Effective planning to address unmet needs in Prader-Willi Syndrome trials
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Tag der seltenen Krankheiten: Feier des Fortschritts und Hoffnung für die Zukunft
Join Fortrea in celebrating Rare Disease Day, highlighting progress in medical research and hope for the future.
Pioneering Progress for Rare Lives: Cell and Gene Therapy Trials in Pediatric Rare Disease Populations
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Successfully delivering an ultra-rare disease clinical trial in a competitive landscape
Fortrea's Diseases, Advanced Therapies and Pediatrics Team (RAPT) was selected to deliver a Phase III study for patients living with the ultra-rare disease limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2I (LGMD2I). Another sponsor was simultaneously recruiting LGMD2I patients, increasing the demand for a limited pool of qualified patients and experienced sites in an already difficult-to-recruit space.
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Collaborative practices advance a rare ophthalmological disease clinical trial
Fortrea forged strong connections with sites and an advocacy group to create a high level of participant interest in a rare disease clinical trial. Learn how the team applied its ophthalmological, rare disease and operational expertise to ultimately surpass recruitment targets by more than ~20 % of the sponsor's original target-and help the sponsor achieve an orphan drug designation for their treatment.
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Innovative approaches help recruit and retain patients in a rare disease hematology study
A sponsor contracted Fortrea to run its Phase III hematology study and enroll 250+ patients with a rare disease in a highly competitive therapeutic area. Learn how Fortrea implemented collaborative strategies to address recruiting challenges, maximize retention and reduce patient burden with digital health innovation.
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Highlighting Fortrea’s commitment to advancing rare disease clinical research
Over the last 5 years, our team at Fortrea has supported more than 820 rare disease studies, each with its own challenges and complexities.
Fortschritte in Bezug auf klinische Studien zu seltenen Krankheiten und Medikamente zu deren Behandlung: Ein Blick auf die Region Asien-Pazifik und China
Explore Fortrea's advancements in rare disease clinical trials and orphan drug research. Read our blog for insights into our innovative research solutions.
Empowering young voices in pediatric clinical trials: Fortrea’s commitment to child rights and participation
Learn about the experiences of the young participants involved in the clinical trials.
Seltene Krankheiten: Ein Blick auf die Erforschung von Morbus Gaucher in Indien
Explore Fortrea's focus on Gaucher disease research in India, addressing rare diseases with innovative treatment approaches.
Klinische Studien zu seltenen Krankheiten
Discover Fortrea's efforts in conducting clinical trials for rare diseases, aiming to develop effective treatments.
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